WedNet expanded who is a company is eligible. Nov 20th 2020 is the deadline to apply. Please review and let your firms in need of training know that DCCC and several other colleges / universities have thousands of dollars to award.
Most Healthcare, Professional Service, Energy, Ag and Manufacturing are eligible. See guidelines for examples of training including IT.
November 20 deadline is to apply for the additional funding we have right now. Training dates are July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021. If a Partner has funding a company can apply anytime although funding is lower this year so no guarantees.
To view the Grant visit
New guidelines are attached. There are many changes for 20-21 (all to the good).
Our team can call me with questions. Your companies should call you or if they already have a WedNet partner, then call that partner.
Jim Lauckner, Sr. Project Consultant 215-470-2684.