Manufacturing Alliance of Chester and Delaware Counties (MACCDC)
Panel Discussion on Apprenticeships
January 11, 2017
The meeting featured a highly informative panel discussion on “Apprenticeships” and associated programs. The panel was comprised of seven highly experienced representatives of manufacturing, technical education and higher education, and was moderated by Ralf Weiser, MACCDC Chair and executive at Aerzen USA Corporation.
Panel Members:
- John Shedga, Regional President, NTMA and President, M & S Centerless Grinding/Meron Medical
- Clara Console, CEO, Choice Careers
- Karen Kozachyn, DCCC Dean of Workforce Development and Community Education
- Glenn Siegele, President, Omega Design, Inc.
- Torsten Schimanski, Head of Learning, Festo Didactic
- Kirk Williard, Director of Career & Technical Education, CCIU
Topics covered the following, (please see for details):
- NTAP Apprenticeship (for purposes of MACCDC):
- NTAP is a systematic, manufacturer-designed, STRUCTURED plan (Standards) designed for mentors and apprentices; it is a REGIONAL flexible, competency-based, (rather than time-based), APPRENTICESHIP training program. Combines job-related technical instruction with structured on-the-job learning from an assigned mentor.
- Current Career and Technical Schools and Community Colleges will align curriculum to NIMS, jump-starting high school graduates and career changers towards employment/apprenticeship.
- Initial program: Machinist (CNC) Apprenticeship program includes 13 NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) Credentials. Industrial maintenance and electro mechanical will be available during 2017.
- The “Ascend” Program.
- Offered by the Chester County Technical High School, this program provides career and technology education and real world employment experiences to students from 10th through 12th This program helps prepare students to move from classroom to worksite and further applied education, training and/ or apprenticeships.
- How do these programs relate, and tie in with continuing technical education and degree programs. (See attached exhibit)
- Benefits to Manufacturers: Companies build a highly-skilled and competent workforce, improve productivity and quality, reduce turnover costs by improving employee retention, and increase ROI.
- Responsibility of Manufacturers: Manufacturers invest in incumbent workers and vet/hire new employees with focus on competency and future growth.
- Benefits to students and parents
- Opportunity for workers seeking high-paying jobs/Apprentices receive incremental wage increases/ leads to having portable industry-issued, nationally-recognized credentials that certify occupational proficiency/ May already have NIMS certifications and now have path to Journeyman status
- If structured correctly, students could combine high school courses, college dual enrollment courses, apprenticeship programs and employer tuition reimbursement programs to achieve a truly DEBT-FREE DEGREE.
- Issues Discussed:
- What if I train my employees and they leave foe $1 more per hour?
- If they leave for $1 more per hour, the company has bigger problems than training
- “What if I don’t train them and they stay?”
- Insurance risks of having minors on shop floor. Probably covered by the schools, as long as students are supervised and restricted to certain tools.
- What if I train my employees and they leave foe $1 more per hour?
For more information contact:
Clara Console
President, Choice Careers
NTMA Liaison
Karen Kozachyn, Ed.D.
Sean, Workforce Development and Community Education
Delaware County Community College
Kirk Williard, Ed D
Director CTCE
Chester County Intermediate Unit